Perfecting the video length: How long should a travel video content be in 2025

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Content Writer, Editor's Bro




In the fast-growing digital landscape of 2024, creating, building and maintaining the attention of your audience has never been more challenging. For travel content creators, the art of perfecting video length is crucial. As a Video editors agency specializing in editing travel video content, Editor’s Bro understands that striking the right balance between creating engaging storytelling videos and maintaining audience retention is key.


In 2024, travel video content continues to dominate social media platforms, and the competition for viewer attention is fiercer than ever. One of the most critical factors in creating engaging travel videos is getting the length just right. Whether you’re a travel vlogger, a brand, or a video editors agency, the ideal video length can significantly impact viewer retention and overall viewer engagement.


Traveler's obsession with watching travel videos before a possible travel trip is stronger than ever. Whether it’s TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube, millions of travelers turn to these platforms to discover local activities, hidden gems, and off-the-beaten-path restaurants free from tourist crowds.


Why Authenticity Matters in Travel Videos


Authentic travel content palpitates more viewers because it feels real and relatable. Travelers always trust the genuine experiences shared by others, making user-generated content a powerful tool for influencing possible travel decisions. As a result, content creators who focus on authenticity and personal connection are reaping the rewards.


Content creators who produce authentic travel videos are leading the charge. Meta’s analysis of two million Reels reveals that including a human element in a video. Whether it’s a face or a person can increase click-through rates by 25%. Furthermore, user-generated content is five times more likely to convert viewers into action-takers. A whopping 84% of people following travel influencers rely on them for trip recommendations and inspiration.


4 Steps to Making an Effective Travel Video


Creating an engaging travel video requires more than just hitting the record button and capturing beautiful scenery. To make a travel video that truly reverberates with your audience, you need to approach it with a plan and a clear vision. Here are four essential steps to help you create an effective travel video that stands out and generates more viewers.


Step 1: Plan out a video idea


Before you even start filming, take the time to plan your video idea. Consider the story you want to tell and the message you want to convey. Are you highlighting a specific travel destination, sharing travel tips, or capturing a day in the life of a local? Planning helps you structure your video, ensuring that it has a beginning, middle, and end that flows seamlessly.


  • Research on travel destinations: Learn about the locations you’ll be visiting and identify key spots that will make for compelling footage.

  • Outline travel shots: Jot down a shot list that includes the types of scenes you want to capture, whether it’s sweeping landscapes, close-ups of local cuisine, or interactions with locals.

  • Storyboard Your Vision: Visualize how your video will unfold. This can be a simple sketch or a detailed plan, but it will guide you during filming.

Step 2: Type of video


Next, decide on the type of video you want to create. Different types of travel videos serve different purposes, and choosing the right one will help you better connect with your audience.


  • Travel Vlog: A personal, narrative-driven video that documents your experiences. This style works well for those who want to build a connection with their audience by sharing personal insights and stories.

  • Destination Guide: A more informative video highlighting key attractions, activities, and tips for a specific location. It is ideal for viewers who are researching their next trip.

  • Montage: A visually appealing compilation of clips set to music. Montages are perfect for showcasing the beauty of a destination without the need for narration.

  • Travel Tips and Hacks: Educational videos that provide viewers with valuable information, such as packing tips, budget advice, or cultural insights.


Step 3: Make the video short and sweet


In 2024, attention spans are shorter than ever, so it’s essential to keep your travel video content concise while still delivering value. Aim to balance providing enough content to engage your viewers and keeping the video short enough to hold their attention.


  • Focus on Key Moments: Instead of cramming every single experience into one video, focus on highlighting key moments that will engage your audience.

  • Edit Ruthlessly: During the editing process, be critical of each clip. If it doesn’t add value or advance the story, leave it on the cutting room floor.

  • Aim for the Ideal Length: For platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels, keep your videos under 60 seconds. For YouTube, 5-10 minutes is often the sweet spot, depending on the content.


Step 4: Make it Unique But Keep it Relatable


To make your travel video content stand out, infuse it with your unique story-telling perspective and personality. However, while originality is important, it’s equally crucial to ensure your content remains relatable to your audience.


  • Showcase Personal Experiences: Share your personal experiences, thoughts, and feelings about the destination. This makes your content feel authentic and helps viewers connect with you.

  • Highlight Unique Angles: Find a unique angle or lesser-known aspect of the destination to focus on. This could be a hidden gem, a local tradition, or a different way of experiencing a popular attraction.

  • Relate to Your Audience: Think about what your audience would find interesting, inspiring, or helpful. Relatable content will resonate more and encourage viewers to engage with your video.


The Sweet Spot: Understanding Viewer Attention Span


With the rise of platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels, short-form content is dominating the digital presence. However, this doesn't mean that longer travel videos have lost their appeal or audience attention. The key lies in understanding your audience's attention span and the platform where your content will be shared.


  • Short-Form Content (30 seconds to 1 minute): Max 1 minute is ideal for social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts. These bite-sized videos are perfect for quick tips, travel hacks, or showcasing a stunning location in a visually impactful way. If your goal is to drive engagement and virality, short-form content is your go-to.

  • Mid-Length Content (3 to 7 minutes): This length is perfect for YouTube and Facebook, where viewers are more likely to invest time in watching detailed travel guides, vlogs, or storytelling pieces. Mid-length videos allow for a deeper connection with your audience, offering enough time to explore a destination while maintaining viewer interest.

  • Long-Form Content (10 minutes and beyond): Reserved for more in-depth explorations, documentaries, or full travel itineraries. Platforms like YouTube and Vimeo are ideal for this type of content, where viewers are actively searching for comprehensive guides or immersive experiences. However, it's crucial to ensure that every minute adds value to the viewer, as longer videos can lead to drop-offs if not engaging enough.


The Importance of Video Length


In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, attention spans are shorter than ever. The ideal video length varies depending on the platform and the type of content you’re producing. However, knowing your audience and the purpose of your video is crucial in determining the perfect duration.


Ideal Length for Different Platforms



Short-Form Content (Under 1 Minutes): Perfect for quick guides, tips, or showcasing highlights from a destination.

Long-Form Content (10-20 Minutes): Ideal for detailed travel vlogs, immersive experiences, or comprehensive guides. This length allows for storytelling and building a connection with the audience.



Reels (15-60 Seconds): Reels are a powerful tool for quick, visually appealing snippets of your travel experience. This short format is perfect for showcasing breathtaking moments or behind-the-scenes content.

IGTV (2-10 Minutes): Great for more in-depth content, such as mini-travel guides or day-in-the-life videos.



15-60 Seconds: TikTok thrives on short, engaging, and often trendy content. Travel videos on this platform should be concise, capturing the essence of the experience in a visually striking way.



Reels: Reels offer a fresh way to craft short, engaging videos, reach new audiences, and participate in cultural trends on Facebook. 

2-10 Minutes: Facebook’s audience appreciates content that is long enough to be informative but short enough to maintain interest. Travel videos should aim for a sweet spot of around 2-3 minutes.


Website and Blogs:

2-3 Minutes: Embedding videos on your website should be around 2-3 minutes to keep the viewer engaged while providing enough content to convey your message effectively. This is especially important for travel agencies or Hire video editors like Editor’s Bro specialize as video editors for YouTube and are looking to showcase their work.


Factors Influencing the Optimal Video Length


When determining the ideal length for your travel video content, consider these factors:


  • Platform Specifications:

Different platforms have varying optimal video lengths and algorithms. For example, Facebook reels, Instagram Stories and TikTok thrive on short-form content, while YouTube rewards longer watch times. Tailoring your video length to the platform's preferences can significantly boost visibility and engagement.


  • Audience Demographics:

Younger audiences may prefer shorter, more dynamic content, while older viewers might appreciate a more detailed narrative. Understanding your target audience's preferences is essential in deciding the right video length.


  • Content Purpose:


What is the goal of your video? Are you aiming to inspire wanderlust, provide a detailed travel guide, or share personal travel experiences? The purpose of your content will heavily influence its length. Inspirational videos might be shorter and visually driven, while educational content may require more time to cover all aspects.


  • Storytelling Process:

The ability to tell a compelling story can make or break your video, regardless of its length. A well-crafted narrative can captivate viewers for extended periods, while a lackluster story may lose them in seconds. Focus on creating engaging content that resonates with your audience, and the right video length will naturally follow.

Editor’s Bro’s video editing services to perfect your content


As a Video editors agency, Editor’s Bro understands that achieving the perfect video length is an art that requires both creativity and strategy. Our team of travel video editing experts is dedicated to crafting videos that not only meet your vision but also align with the latest trends in viewer behavior and platform algorithms.


  • Customizable Video Lengths: We offer tailored editing services to ensure your content fits the platform's optimal length, maximizing your reach and engagement.


  • Engaging Storytelling: Our best video editor for YouTube excels at creating narratives that keep viewers hooked, whether it's a 30-second reel or a 10-minute documentary.

  • Optimized for Performance: We stay up-to-date with the latest platform trends to ensure your videos are optimized for maximum visibility and viewer retention.


Trends in 2024


In 2024, short-form content continues to dominate due to the popularity of platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels. However, long-form content is not dead; it’s thriving on platforms like YouTube, where audiences are more inclined to sit through a 15-minute vlog if the content is engaging and well-edited.


Tips for Perfecting Video Length


  1. Know Your Audience: Different audiences have different preferences. Younger audiences might prefer shorter, snappier content, while older audiences might appreciate a well-crafted, longer video.

  2. Content is King: The length should be determined by the content. If your video naturally wraps up in 3 minutes, don’t force it to be longer.

  3. Quality Over Quantity: It’s better to have a shorter, high-quality video than a longer one filled with unnecessary content.




Creating effective travel video content is about more than just beautiful visuals. It’s about the storytelling of a travel video, creating a connection with a potential audience, and more engagement with viewers. By planning your travel video, choosing the right format, keeping it concise, and making it both unique and relatable, you can craft a travel video that not only stands out but also leaves a lasting impression on your audience. Whether you’re a seasoned travel vlogger or just starting out, following these four steps will help you create content that resonates and inspires. 


The perfect length for travel video content in 2024 depends on the platform and your audience. Whether you’re creating bite-sized content for TikTok or in-depth vlogs for YouTube, always prioritize engagement and quality. At Editor’s Bro, we specialize in crafting travel videos that captivate and resonate with your audience, no matter the length.


Ready to create the perfect travel video? Contact us today to start your journey towards captivating content!



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